Hello Again. I've installed the User gallery 1.5_f mod. (Readme File Signed by "Wes") As well as the User Gallery Hack. (uses Image::Magick to optimize photos and create thumbs, etc)
It works great.... If I set it up so that I (Admin) have to verify the photos before they're added... the thumbs are created and the photo is optimized on the photo page as it should be.
Two problems though:
1. All photos added by admin are automatically published and are "not" optimised, nor are thumbs created.
2. If Gallery is set up to "Auto-Publish" the photos, no optimisation takes place, nor are any thumbs created.
It seems as though the optimisation only takes place when the admin goes through the "Admin Tools" (or admin.cgi), and "Verify Pictures".
Is there a way that I can get my gallery to optimise all pictures that are added? whether they're auto published (/mods/usergallery/index.cgi , I think) or verified by Admin (/mods/usergallery/admin/admin.cgi) ?
I would open the two files myself and try to compare the differences and make the appropiate changes, but I'm not that advanced in perl yet. And it was all I could do to get Image::Magick and PerlMagick set up on my win98/apache setup LOL
He who chases his dreams and wishes, Yet never sets any goals, Will never know if he catches them.
give me the links you used to get the mod and the hack... and I will set it up and see if I can figure it out...
I havent heard of this hack at this point in time, although I know of other galleries that use those perl modules to do the thumbnails automatically...
give me the links you used to get the mod and the hack... and I will set it up and see if I can figure it out...
I havent heard of this hack at this point in time, although I know of other galleries that use those perl modules to do the thumbnails automatically...
Yeah that was the link.. by the way... I forgot to mention.. the User Gallery will install and run fine... but the Usergalleryhack requires the lock/ulock to be changed to hold/release.. other than that it will install and run.
I had some trouble with the Image::Magick on my win98/apache server. I had to go with the full install of Image::Magick available from http://www.imagemagick.org.
Good luck, and I'm not like desperate or anything. I've figured out a work around. I've set a seperate user account in my webapp site for myself. I use this seperate account to upload the pictures and I have the usergallery set up so that Admin has to Verify all photos before they're published... Therefor everything is Optimized.
He who chases his dreams and wishes, Yet never sets any goals, Will never know if he catches them.
I installed the User Gallery, and the UserGallery Hack...
I am having a problem with the mod...
I have it set so members can upload images to the albums, but the members dont have the upload links to do so...
I will have to figure this out before I can go further from here...
the idea behind the hack is great... just to see if it works...
I might just upload some pics and try the "optimise all" script to see if it works...
UPDATE I used the "optimise-it-all" script and it created the thumbnail and shrunk the image to a decent size. it also tossed the original into the bak folder which is what its supposed to do. Not to mention, the thumbnail looks awesome compared to the original look of it now.
So I have confirmed it will work and that image magik is installed on my server...
I figured out my problem... When I created the Gallery, I didnt click the check-box to allow anyone to upload to that folder. Thats was stupid... now I have it running, and can try and figure out why its not optimising for the admin...
I think I already have it figured out, but need to confirm.
Try this out and let me know if it works for you...
it is currently optimising images I upload as admin using image:magik
here is what you need to do... I am not 110% sure it will work, but here goes nothing...
open the mods/usergallery/index.cgi file and edit sub addpicture2
look for these lines at around line 653
##### Weston Added ##### if ($useIMagick ne "on") {
copy("$dirtoget/$imgtoget", "$dirtogo/$newfilename"); ## Weston - you dont need this when you got the magick.
} else {
comment out these lines so it looks like this
##### Weston Added ##### #if ($useIMagick ne "on") {
# copy("$dirtoget/$imgtoget", "$dirtogo/$newfilename"); ## Weston - you dont need this when you got the magick.
#} #else #{
then go further down until you spot this line at around line 716...
} #close if statement. ##### Weston Added #####
make sure to comment it out as well so it looks like this...
#} #close if statement. ##### Weston Added #####
once you have saved the index.cgi go to the usergallery and try uploading an image as admin...
it works for me... only issue I noticed was it took an extra few seconds for the thumbnail to appear right after uploading... guess it was still being created while the browser tried to show it...
is it the correct solution??? probably not... but then again looking at this mod it seems as though there was other work meant to be done in the future which never ended up being done.
also the script needs checking for security flaws...
While it does work with the above changes, I have a feeling there is another way to do this without commenting out the sections...
probably changing a variable will do it itself... just to figure out which variable...
I have come up with possible fixes in the past which ended up not being the correct fix for a release package... so I think checking it out some more wouldnt hurt...
What files are in your Perl/lib/Images directory? I am unfor. that I do not have access to my Perl folder so I have to copy the additional lib files to my cgi-bin directory instead of my lib directory. I was just wonder what additional files you had to put into Perl to make them to work.
Thanks, Kagarsefamily.com
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