Currently I am having this issue when trying to add a comment to an article.
i will see where else I find this problem...
I get an error of: Error: You have HTML tags in your name
When trying to post the comment.
Have to figure this one out...
OK, looks like I can't post comments on Articles at all...
Not sure if its the article I am trying, but I will see if they all have this problem. And YES, they all have this problem it seems.
It might be an issue with the fact that when I changed my name from Admin to Jackdeth, my earlier articles are still listed as Admin when they should have changed to JackDeth as well.
somewhere there is a bug in either the commenting or the naming for admin in the site.
Looks like error is in regards to someone using a space in their name.
When you name yourself Jack Deth for instance, the script seems to be adding in html to mark the space? I am assuming as according to the error I am getting.
SO I have narrowed this issue down to having spaces in your name.
Probably need to add in some code to "parse"?? spaces into something, and then to allow the spaces to be used when writing a comment. I can write in the forums, so I am sure the existing piece of code needed is in there.
Hi JackDeth. Here I am with FireFox. I see what you mean about the layout, it is narrow. Looks like the tables are at their natural width and are not holding at 100%.
Now back to the subject of your post here - Looks like Anton's fix for non-word characters in names is working. I recognize his fix because of that "you have html characters in your name" phrase. Remember putting that in the Language file.
Maybe we need to do a minor adjustment on that fix.
Ahhhh, got my IE back on now. Much better. That WAS weird with that FireFox. I guess it's kind of neat, but just doesn't seem quite as slick right off hand at first try.
I did. Those are unencoded ampersands in your right plugins. My computer's doing somethign weird, I'm shutting down. Might be a spy. See you on my other computer.
In your URLs with query strings, all the ampersands need to be encoded like this - & . Instead of just & . Then it will validate. I forget which plugins it was in, I think poll and latest forum on the right. In the validator, check the see source code box, and it will show what else is on the line so you can find it easier.
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