Major Theme Issue...
Written on 12/16/04 at 11:08:50 EST by Jack_Deth
AnnouncementsThis is a MUST-Fix for 0992 beta.

Go ahead, open this site using Mozila Firefox, or some other browser...

No, its not supposed to be scrunched up like that.  But unfortunately it is...

GOing to investigate this further when I have more time.

UPDATE ------------------------

Looks like there isnt such a major update needed...

It was simply an issue in a block...  silly blocks...

Oh well...

Comments on this article:
 Problem and Resolution...
Written on 12/17/04 at 00:44:19 EST by Jack_Deth
It looks like a block in the left side was blowing out the site on FireFox Browsers...  It was scrunching it up...

As soon as I deleted the block, all was good again...

Further investigation and editing got the site back to its Valid Code status with the W3C.


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