This is going to be a link of things to look into for Web-App beta
A simple List of anything out of the ordinary. If you notice something, dont hesitate to add to this list.
When writing an ARTICLE the button to load your article states "Send Message". It should read more like "Publish Article", or something to that effect. It seems to be using the calls for forum posts, and not Article Editing. Also I believe that HTMLArea should be standard with Web-App. Of course it would have to be turned on inside the Admin Settings, but being so useful, Web-App is failing by not placing this in. And relying on APage is not the best use of this script in my opinion.
CHMOD - Chmodding is a possible problem within web-app. I am thinking that the only file that should be chmodded manually is the install.cgi script. When setting up the script fresh, it should properly chmod ALL web-app files to their needed settings. This might end up being its own section in the installer to make certain you choose the right setting, and allowing for more advanced users to pick wether they want 666 or 644, or 755 or 777 and the likes.
HTMLArea Integration Mentioned above, this is a definite necessity that I personally believe should be integrated into the Core Code of Web-App. Placed in the Mods folder if wanted so it can be removed easily, its definitely something that is a Must-Have. And its open-source and free to use. A "click-able" version would be the best method to have this installed unless you want it standard on all browsers. A new version has been released recently with a plugin to edit full html pages as well now... this could go far in web-app.
The Poll updates that have been floating around should DEFINITELY be a part of the core code. I Believe it was Abwyn and Ditto that were working on this. Will look into it more later.
Ever notice how when you write a post in the forums, it returns you to the page you wrote the post on? such as if there are 5 pages you will end up on page 5 after POSTing a message in the forum, BUT If you modify your post on page 3 you and up on page 1 of your post? It doesnt make much sense to me that you ahve to go running back to page 3 by scrolling to the bottom of page 1, click to page 3 and then scrolling down to your now modified post. This is probably something simple, just an edit to the working of modify to make them do the same call as write post and end up taking you to the same page and not the 1st.
More Ideas will follow shortly, and will be added here. So stay tuned.
The Left Block with the 3 links in it, to web-app related sites is uneditable.
I remember there being work done in the past on this that fixed the "too long, cant edit the block" bug from the past.
Either those fixes were left out of this beta, or there is another issue.
I believe it is a siple link-length issue as to edit the file, the link includes the text you are editing. Makes NO SENSE to me... but hey, what do I know anyways?
It should only need to call the cat file and line of the block in that file, this way the script loads and opens the block seperately for editing.
Another issue is the limitations set on blocks within this format. There should either be a way to break code down so it fits in one line, and doesnt create multiple entries when there are breaks/line returns in the code.
How about using the block dat file to call seperate html or xml based block files. So if you have 10 blocks, you end up with your .dat file, and a folder called left with 10 html/xml files in it. turning the .dat into a referrer much like how the forums work.
Would this be too much work? Too much pull on the server?
Not sure, but I am sure someone could comment on this for me
UPDATE: I had to remove the block mentioned in this post due to some html testing issues... of course due to its current status, I couldnt delete it, I had to manually remove it from the dat file. Not to mention it was causing the whole site to scrunch up to the left side of the page in Mozilla's Firefox browser.
This is a good idea you have for the block editor. We need to remember to ask Anton if he's worked on the block editor yet or not. He didn't really say he was going to, but he mentioned how it does need it. I wouldn't be surprised if he has already done something in this direction.
I didn't know that old problem made blocks uneditable. I thought they just lost part of their contents. Shows what I know.
I remember some people discussing changing the post to get, or the get to post...
that supposedly got rid of the block length issue...
If its that simple, then great... the part that gets me is how this problem has managed to stick around so long.
Also I think there might be a problem within the block code, due to the fact that All I did was past some html in a block and I was able to screw up the whole theme on firefox... Maybe there is something missing that locks everything in the block into the block so it doesnt affect the rest of the theme...
Is there a frame around the inside of each block? This might be a possible way to do that... locking each block inside its own frame "MIGHT" stop its code from influencing the rest of the theme.
Well in this theme, each block is already inside at least one table, and each column is in a separate table column, so I think it's just FireFox is not as error-tolerant as is IE.
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